Yesterday, metal conduit manufacturers have announced that they will be implementing a price increase due to increased costs of raw materials and rising prices from steel mills. Similarly, increases from PVC resin manufacturers have raised raw material costs for PVC conduit mills, who also announced an increase yesterday.
Both increases take effect tomorrow, Wednesday 2/1, but we will be holding current price levels for metal and PVC conduit through close of business on Friday, 2/3. Please call your Merfish United sales representative for more information or to place orders now.
Download our list price sheets in Excel format to enter your multiplier for updated pricing. For more information or to get your multiplier, please get in touch with your Merfish United sales representative today.
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Wholesalers, with us you can buy a broad array of pipe products from one supplier, which you can mix-and-match with other products to make our low weight minimums for FFA. Call your representative now to schedule your next weekly LTL delivery of mixed-and-matched pipe products.